10,000 Hours Doesn’t Make You an Expert (and your education/certification is worthless without real world experience)
Harsh truth, I know, but truth nonetheless. Malcolm Gladwell had great intentions, I’m sure, when he wrote Outliers – but he was dead wrong when he posited that 10,000 hours of practice will make you an expert. Simply not true. 10,000 hours is nothing more than a provocative generalization – a gross oversimplification about what […]
Dreaming of A Different You?
Are you dreaming of a different “you”? Maybe a more successful you, a healthier you, a thinner you, a blonder you, a richer you? A you that can eat chocolate 24/7 with no negative consequences (wait, maybe that’s just me…)? Fact: when you spend your time dreaming of becoming the person you want to […]
One Bad Chapter Doesn’t End the Story
I’ve had a lot of “bad chapters” in my life. More than I want to think about, actually. I won’t try to tell you that I haven’t thought about ending the story early more than once. I’ve struggled with addiction, had problems with the law, been abused, been abusive. I spent far too long inside […]
Fear of Failure or Failure? Which is worse?
Failure vs Fear of Failure What does ‘failure’ actually say about you? The answer is all in your head. Seriously. “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K. Rowling […]
“Follow Your Dreams” is Nothing New
What if I told you the concept of an “authority” telling you to chase your dreams has been around since the mid-1800s? In 1854, Henry David Thoreau wrote Walden. In it, he shared this bit of wisdom during a time when the conventional school of thought (and behavior) was to maintain the status quo and […]